Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pillow throwing. orthdontia, and other mishaps.

Well. I have officially become....
A pillow thrower.
That's right.
What on earth is she talking about?
What is a pillow thrower, you ask?
We've all heard of cover-hoggers, bed-tossers, sleep-talkers, blanket crumplers, sleep-walkers and sock-removers. I am a pillow-thrower.
Meaning that when I sleep, I throw my pillow off of my bed.
Why does it matter?
Well, its really annoying. Because I have a loft bed, and my mattress is 5 feet off the ground. Leaping out of bed to retrieve my pillow from the floor means:
#1) I get cold.
#2) I make a huge thump that wakes everyone up.
#3) I have to land on the icky cold laminate flooring, and step on my cold metal ladder.
But if I don't retrieve my pillow, I will get a black eye from smacking my face off my metal bed frame. And my dog will most likely lie down on it, and she smells like wet dog.
In other news...
It's almost Christmas Vacation for school children across my district, me included. I have 9 days until the bell rings at 1:30 pm on December 17. 9 days, 7 of which are school days. I will perservere.
On the other hand, vacation means that exams are coming ever nearer. I, for one am not concerned. My exams are worth 10%`
I am taking English, Geography, Computers, and French. Computers doesn't have a formal exam, so I only have 3 days of exams.
My exams are January 25-29, and I have a possible make up day on the 31st. February 1st is exam take up day, which I have no intentions of showing up for. And then the whole cycle starts over one Feb. 2. We might get a day in between semesters, or two, if you skip take up. 
This is unjust, before this year, there was a week off in between.
On the Orthodontics front, my Orthodorkist is an a**. I intially had a crossbow (google crowbow orthodontic appliance for an explanation of it), then I kept breaking it, so they said I would be fine having it removed. Then my overbite returned, so they put me on elastics, which I hated wearing and didn't work anyway. I now have a 6mm overbite. I started with 5mm. Fail, no?
So now, I am 6 months past my estimated treatment time, and I have had separators put in to make room for new bands to hold my new springs.
What has been accomplished in the 40 months I've been going there?
*ahem* I had straight teeth up until July, when they busted a bracket by trying to boost my wire 5 gauges and bending the wire the wrong way (which was totally MY fault, by the way). My overbite is worse now, not better. The only thing that they have done right is widen my upper jaw. Oh, and make eating food hell for the last 3.5 years.
One of the only bright spots in my life is Jackson. Or Jack, Jaction, Jack  Attack, Jacktack, Jackman, you get the idea. I love this horse with my life. He deserves a post all his own, so I won't say too much.

A la prochain!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Horse quiz

How old were you when you first started riding?: 10

First horse ridden: Pitree
First horse trotted/jogged on: Pitree

First horse cantered/loped on: Buddy

First Horse fallen off of: Roxy

Most recent horse fallen off of: Gordie or Remy... (Gordie is the most recent, but HE fell, not me, I just did a tuck and roll.)

First horse you trotted/jogged over poles with: Buddy (I miss my pudgy.) 
First horse jumped with: Buddy

First horse who ran away with you: Remy 
First horse that scared the crap out of you: Waldo
First horse shown?: Jack, hopefully. (haven't shown yet.)

First horse to win a class with: -

Do you/have you taken lessons: I have, but won't be because I I quit my job and can't pay for regular lessons.

First horse you ever rode bareback: Jack 
First horse trail ridden with: Katy 
Current Barn name: Maple Run Stables 
Do you ride English or western?: I ride English, my horse goes both, so he's teaching me.

First Horse to place at a show with: -

Ever been to horse camp?: YES! SASC for the win! 
Ever been to a riding clinic?: Yep, PPG clinic at TARA

Ridden sidesaddle?:Techincally no, but I have walked around while sitting sideways. 
First horse leased: JACK!! 
First horse owned: Nobody, yet. 

Highest ribbon in a show: 3x 1st place at camp in Western Games.

Ever been to an ’A’ rated show?: Nope!

Ever competed in pony games/relay races?:At camp, and at the PPG clinic 

Ever fallen off at a show: -

Do you ride Hunter/Jumpers?: Yes! 
Have you ever barrel raced?: Yup. In an English Saddle. On camp horses.
Ever done pole bending?: Yeah! PPG pole bending and western pole bending. 

Favorite gait: canter or walk. 

Ever galloped bareback?: I haven't *INTENTIONALLY* galloped. And I don't even enjoy trotting bareback. 
Have you ever done dressage?: Not unless you count 1 assesment lesson at Springfield, where they stuck me on an ittybitty pony (I'm 5ft6) and took my stirrups out 3 holes, said they should be out 4 more.

Have you ever evented?: No, but I have done Cross country.

35. Have you ever mucked a stall?: Yes, was my job up until today.
Ever been bucked off?: Not as of yet. I'm sure its coming though

Ever been on a horse that reared?: Not while they were rearing... 
Horses or ponies?:I don't care, I'm a bit big for most ponies, but I like riding them on occaison. 
39. Do you wear a helmet?: um, yeah, IT'S THE LAW!!!

40. What’s the highest you’ve jumped: 2'9" 
Have you ever ridden at night?: Yeah, anytime after 5 in the winter here is night.
Do you watch horsey television shows?: Heartland
Have you ever been seriously hurt/injured from a fall?: Seriously injured, no, but it seriously hurt! i just broke my helmet in 2, no biggie.
Have you ever ridden without anything (no saddle, bridle, halter ect): Noo.
Do you ride in an arena or ring?: Usually 
Have you ever been trampled by a horse?: Not yet, hopefully never.
Have you ever been bitten?: Yes. (Gordieee!)
Ever had your foot stepped on by a horse?: yes... (Buddy,Katy, Pitree, Mocha,Andy, Daisy, Jack, Tawney, Gordie, etc.)

Do you clean your tack regularly?:I don't have my own tack. But I clean Jessie's.

Ever played ride-a-buck?: wtf. No.

I don't have my own horse, but I shall pretend Jack is mine.
Show Name: Western Blackjack ( his registered name, idk if I'll use it for showing.)

Barn Name: Jack

Any nicknames?: Jackson, Jackattack, Jacktion, Jackman, Jacky-boy...(anything with "Jack" in it, basically)
Breed: Paint!

Goes english or western: English and Western
Sex?: Gelding


Primary Discipline?:Hunter/jumper

Show experience: Durham Saddle club, shown Western with his mama, Jessie.
Good on the trail: He *can* be.

63. Spooky?: depends on if he's on his period.
Is your horse able to be ridden bareback: Yup!
Does your horse come when you call?: He knows his name, he might come, depending on his boredom level.
Is your horse good with children and other horses: He liked my neighbour's kid, and yeah, he gets alongwith all the horses.
67. Is your horse worked regularly:Yeah, most days I can get out to the barn.
Ever a lesson horse?: No!
Does your horse like treats?: Umm, DUH!
Do you take lessons on your horse?: Yea, when I can afford it.

Is your horse easy to work around?: Most days, unless its around breakfast/dinner time or turnout time.

Has your horse ever escaped from it’s stall?: I don't think so... His latch is out of reach.

Do you feel safe on your horse?: Mostly.

Is your horse hard to worm?: He doesn't enjoy it, no.
Is your horse good for the farrier/vet?: Vet yes, farrier he is now. He re-broke the farrier's wrist once.

Have you ever won a class with your horse?: -

Have you ever had a moment where you feel really connected to your horse?: A few.

Does your horse like hay?: What horse doesn'?
Does your horse have special feed or supplement?: He gets antihistamines and Airwaves.

Does your horse often have a very messy stall?: have you ever actually met a tidy horse? honestly? and Jack is a total pig.

Does your horse use any special tack?: sometimes, a flash noseband

Do you use a whip and spurs?: a crop most times

Does your horse like to run?: Yeah, our brakes sometimes leave a bit to be desired, buttt....
84. How many times a week do you ride your horse?: 2-5 depending on if Jessie comes home and how busy my mom is.
Does your horse have markings?: star, snip, white lip, 4 stockings with roaned out black spots.

Do you braid your horse for shows?: I will.

What color is your horse’s halter?: Brown leather.

Does your horse follow you?: He will, but he get distracted by the arena door... but he will follow me out in his paddock.

Can your horse backup?: oohh, yeah, he's good at that.
Is your horse’s trot easier to sit to or post to?: Post

Have you ever dressed your horse up for halloween?: I think I will tomorrow...

Describe your horse in one word: Cute.
Has your horse ever produced offspring?: Let me spell this out for you. G-E-L-D-I-N-G. GELD-ING. as in we snipped his nuts off so he can't have babies.
Do you and your horse have "colors"?: Blue and Purple.
What is your horse’s favorite treat?: Jellybeans, bananas, apples, carrots, mints, bran mush, oat cookies...
Do you normally lunge your horse before riding?: No.
Has your horse ever given a pony ride?:Jessie's family sometime "ride" him.
How many people owned this horse before you?: 2
Does your horse get dirty easily?:Black and white paint that likes mud and his own poo, are you kidding? he is green and brown when he comes in, I swear.
100. What’s your favorite horsey memory?: The first time we jumped a course NICELY without knocking things over and tearing around.

Ahhh, sweet unemployment....

Well. I am officially (once again) unemployed. (Can I collect welfare?)

I quit my job as a stablehand today. I was not enjoying my boss, enough said. I'm 14, I don't need a job. I just want one.

In other news, the barn kittens apparently like chicken noodle soup, because they were trying to steal my lunch. And I love the giant barn dogs. <3 Luke and Bo. Hate the ducks though, but chasing them is entertaining.

And another quiz thing.

[x] You own over 10 bottles of nail polish
[ ] You own a designer purse
[ ] You own perfume that cost over $60
[x] You had/have fake nails
[x] You have more body/hair products than you use
[ ] Your pet is a chihuahua/Pomeranian/Yorkshire Terrier/Siamese/Shih Tzu/ dachshund
[ ] You have clothes/shoes/accessories for your pet
[ ] You have enough clothes to cover an entire refugee camp.
[x] You have enough pictures to create your own wallpaper.

Total: 4

[ ] Makeup
[ ] Glitter
[ ] The Color Pink
[ ] Jewelry
[ ] Mirrors
[ ] Chick flicks
[ ] Shoes
[ ] Rainbows
[ ] Unicorns
[ ] Disney Movies
[ ] Candles
[ ] Flowers
[x] Stuffed Animals
[ ] Purses

Total: 1

[ ] Coach
[ ]Forever 21
[ ] Victoria's Secret
[ ] Guess
[x] Claires
[ ] Express
[ ] Delias
[ ] Hollister
[ ] American Eagle
[ ] Abercrombie & Fitch
[x] Aeropostale

Total: 2

[x] Whatever
[x] Oh my gosh/goodness/god
[ ] Hun
[ ] That's hot
[ ] Dunzo
[ ] Darlin
[x] Pshtt
[ ] Cutie
[ ] Hottie
[ ] Totally
[x]For Sure
[ ] Fabulous

Total: 4

[ ] Cosmopolitan
[ ] Glamour
[ ] Marie Claire
[ ] Elle Girl
[ ] Teen Vogue
[ ] People
[ ] Us Weekly
[ ] Star
[ ] Self
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] Pink Is The New

Total: 0

[ ] Legally Blonde
[ ] Elizabethtown
[ ] Mean Girls
[ ] The Notebook
[ ] A Walk to Remember
[ ] Sweet Home Alabama
[ ] Where the Heart is
[ ]Just My Luck
[ ] John Tucker Must Die
[ ] Center stage
[ ] Bring it On
[ ]How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
[ ] Mona Lisa Smile
[ ] My Girl

Total: 0

[ ] America's Next Top Model
[ ] Project Runway---Canada
[ ] Desperate Housewives
[ ] The Simple Life
[ ] 8th & Ocean
[ ] Sex & the City
[ ] Grey's Anatomy
[ ] The O.C.
[ ] Laguna Beach/The Hills
[ ] Nip/Tuck
[ ] Gilmore Girls
[ ]Degrassi

Total: 0

Grand Total: 11

I am 11% girl.

Oooh great.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I love survey/quizzes

1.How old were you when you first started riding?: 9
2. First horse ridden: Pitre
3. First horse trotted/jogged on: Pitre
4. First horse cantered/loped on: Buddy
5. First Horse fallen off of: Roxy
6 First horse jumped with: Buddy
7. First horse who ran away with you: Remi
8. First horse that scared the crap out of you: Pitre, (he spooked, barely, but in my 3rd lesson!)
9. First horse shown?: None, yet, hopefully I will take Jack out next year.
10. Do you/have you taken lessons: Yes, once a week.
11. Current Barn name: Maple Run Stables
12. Do you ride English or western?: English, and sometimes I tool around western with Jack, he's teaching me, ha.
13. First horse owned: None, yet
14. Do you ride Hunter/Jumpers?: yup!
15. Have you ever barrel raced?: sort of... in an English saddle... at summer camp... I won though!

16. Ever done pole bending?: Same as barrel racing.
17. Ever galloped bareback?: Not yet..
18. Have you ever done dressage?: No, unless you count one tortorous lesson at Springfeild where theyy lengthened my stirrups 3 holes, and told me they should be 3 more!
19. Have you ever evented?: No, but I have done cross country! Tres fun.
20. Have you ever mucked a stall?: Um, its my JOB!
21. Ever been bucked off?: No, Andy only pulled a little one...
22. Ever been on a horse that reared?: little tippy-toed rearing, yes. but really, no.
23. Horses or ponies?: Both, mostly horses because I'm tall, but ponies are fun!
24. What’s the highest you’ve jumped: 2'9", from a trot on the wonder pony, Gordie. 

25. Have you ever ridden at night?: Yeah, anytime after school from November to March is night.
26. Have you ever been seriously hurt/injured from a fall?: Seriously, no, but I have bruised my tailbone and given myself a concussion (suspected, I didn't go to the doctors.) And I've broken my helmet before.
27. Have you ever ridden without anything (no saddle, bridle, halter, etc)?: Bareback, but not without anything.
28. Have you ever been trampled by a horse?: No, thank gooseness
29. Do you clean your tack regularly?: Once a month
30.Ever played ride-a-buck?: Haha, no.
31. Show Name: I'm not sure...
32. Barn Name: Jack, Jackson, jacktion, etc. (anything with "jack" in it, or stinker.)
33. Breed: Paint
34. Goes english or western: English and Western, but mostly English
35. Sex?: Gelding
36. Age: 8
37. Primary Discipline?: Hunters
38. Show experience: Durham Saddle club with his owner.

39. Is your horse able to be ridden bareback:Yes, he's fat so therefore round and squashy and comfy.
40. Do you feel safe on your horse?: Usually...
41. Have you ever won a class with your horse?: no, because I haven't shown him.
42. Have you ever had a moment where you feel really connected to your horse?: Yeah, when we conquer something he was previously afraind of.

43. Do you use a whip and spurs?: A crop, I could use spurs but I don't like them.
44. How many times a week do you ride your horse?:3-5 depending on if his owner is home..
45. Do you braid your horse for shows?: I will.
46. What color is your horse’s halter?: Brown leather.
47. Have you ever dressed your horse up for halloween?:I might, seeing as I am there anyway.

48. Describe your horse in one word: Baby, he's lazy and likes to act scared to avoid work, but he'd curl up in your pocket if you let him.
49. How many people owned this horse before you?: 1 before Jessie, who really owns him.


How old is your horse?: 3
What breed is your horse?: quarter horse
What color is your horse?: dark bay
What are your horses markings?: An adorable little star
What is your horses favorite treat?: my carromints
Does your horse have grain? If so how often?: Yes, twice a day
How long have you had your horse?: for like 4 months
Have you ever ridden your horse bareback?: haha yup and it was his first time ever being ridden bareback.. he looked at me like i was retarded
What tricks does your horse know?: how to take down eletric fence and trash the whole barn
Whos your horses sire?: green with invy
Whos your horses dam? imma potential
Have you ever galloped on your horse?: not yet i galloped my old horse larry though
Have you ever cantered on your horse?: ohh yeahh we lope everyday
Does your horse have an enemy?: ha. calvin because hes a jerk
Does your horse have a best friend?: JR and he better not start acting like him haha
Does your horse kick?: nah
Does your horse bite?: haha when hes teeth are coming in
Has your horse ever bucked or reared you off?: never.. he once did a crowhop because there was a hugeeeee horse fly on him but if i wasnt on his back oh god he would have bucked like crazyy
Has your horse ever had an injury?: Not really except all the bit and kick marks he gets because he annoys the older horses
When your horse does something you ask, such as side step or a flying lead change, how do you reward them?: Lots of pats and vocal praise.
Does your horse choose you as the leader?: yup
Have you ever lounged your horse?: i used to everytime before i used to ride him when he used to be in a stall all the time
SO, HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR HORSE? pretty freaking goo

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Well, then...

This is my first blog post. I'm 14, from Southern Ontario.

My favourite thing to talk about it horses, so consider yourselves warned. But I will also probably talk about whatever happens to be going on in my life too.

I lease a horse named Jackson, who I will post pictures of later.

I am a grade 9, so I'm just starting high school. Pardon me for posting drama.

My favourite:
Colour: blue
Animal: horses
Place: South Algonquin Summer Horse Camp
Horse: Jackson
Food: tacos, chinese or steak.
Number: 11
Sport: Horseback Riding
Ice Cream Flavour: Chocolate Peanut Butter

That's all I have time for, talk to you soon.